Veg Tacos Recipe For Diabetic - How to make Taco | Diabexy

Taco is a dish that was invented in Mexico that’s why it is called a Mexican dish. Its base can be made from corn or flour which feels soft and crispy. The fillings of the taco are usually mixed with spices, vegetables, sauces, and creamy elements. 

The taco tastes savory, spicy, and tangy. It is usually eaten at lunch or dinner but you can enjoy any time of the day.

Taco is considered healthy or not. It's all about how you prepare and add types of ingredients.

Here we are sharing a Veg Taco recipe that is very healthy and diabetic-friendly. We used low-EGL-value ingredients that won't increase your blood sugar level.

This vegetarian Taco recipe is made for people who prioritize their health without losing the taste.

Taco Recipe Ingredients

  • 100g Diabexy Atta – Diabexy atta is made using low EGL ingredients and the EGL value is 7 instead of other types of atta with EGL values between 50 to 60. It is also made from nuts and seeds that’s why it contains high protein & fiber.
  • Salt - Use Salt which has important minerals that our bodies need to stay healthy like NutroActive Mineral Salt.
  • 6 tbsp Oil - Use oil that enhances flavor and provides health benefits like Olive oil.
  • 30g Chopped onion - Chop the garlic into small pieces that can easily be mixed with flour.
  • 30g Green capsicum – It adds a bitter flavor to your dish and has detoxifying properties.
  • 30g Yellow capsicum – It makes it visually appealing & helps keep the body hydrated.
  • 10g Boiled sweet corn – It is a natural sweetener & has fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
  • 100g Paneer – It is a rich source of protein and also helps to absorb the flavors of spices.
  • Chili flakes - It is made from dried and crushed chill peppers and enhance the flavor of your dish.
  • Oregano - It enhances the flavor and aroma of the dish and also its antioxidant properties give health benefits.
  • Cheese – It adds a creamy & crunchy texture and has protein and healthy fat.
  • Coriander leaf – It enhances sensory qualities & provides health benefits.

How To Make Tacos

  • Take 100g Diabexy Atta in a bowl and add Salt as per your taste. Then add 1 tbsp Oil.
  • Mix all the ingredients properly. Then add 1 cup water to make a soft dough.
  • Take a pan and heat 2 tbsp of oil.
  • Add 30g of chopped onion and saute for a minute, then add 30g each green, red, and yellow capsicum.
  • Add 10g of Boiled sweet corn and 100g of paneer. Saute all ingredients for 2 minutes.
  • Add chili flakes and oregano, and sprinkle Salt as per your taste. Then add some cheese and coriander leaves. Mix all the ingredients and cook.
  • Roll the dough into a round shape.
  • Cut the dough into round pieces.
  • Cook the pieces of both sides in a pan, then spread ½ tsp of sauce and place stuffing on half part.
  • Add some cheese and fold it to give it a taco shape. Heat 2-3 tbsp of Oil and shallow fry tacos on both sides in a pan.
  • Tacos are ready to eat.

EGL value is only 3.5 per Veg Tacos, which is very low compared to other Veg Tacos available in the market.

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