Question & Answer

Why Diabexy Atta is so effective in controlling sugar | Does Diabexy atta contains medicine | Q&A 8

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How to fight against CORONA in Diabetes | Why immunity system does not function in Diabetes | Q&A 9

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Does Methi Seeds (Fenugreek) really help in Diabetes | क्या मेथी से शुगर कम होता है | Q&A 10

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Does Bitter Gourd Karela helps cure Diabetes | क्या करेला जूस शुगर कंट्रोल करता है | Q&A 11

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Does Jamun Seeds powder helps in Diabetes | क्या जामुन की गुठली शुगर में लाभदायक है | Q&A 12

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How is Jackfruit Flour in Diabetes | क्या सचमुच जैकफ्रूट का डायबिटीज में फायदा है | Q&A 13

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Is Milk Good or Bad for Diabetics | मधुमेह में दूध पीना चाहिए या नहीं |Lokendra Tomar I Q&A 14

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Diabetes में Egg Yolk अच्छा है? | Does Eggs Increase Cholesterol | Daily कितने अंडे खाएं | Q&A - 15

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7 top Supplements for Diabetes & Insulin Resistance |Important Micronutrients for Diabetics I Q&A -16

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Diabetes में GUR खाना अच्छा है? | Is Jaggery good for Diabetics | Nutritional Value of Sugar I Q&A 17

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3 दिन में बढ़ा हुआ Blood Sugar कैसे घटानें | Diet Plan to Reduce Blood Sugar Fast | Q&A 18

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White Rice vs Brown Rice vs Black Rice | Which Rice is Best in Diabetes - Part 1 | Q&A 19

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Which Rice is Best in Diabetes - Part II | How to Include Rice in Diet | Q&A 20

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Home Remedy for Constipation | डायबिटीज पेशेंट को कॉन्स्टिपेशन क्यों होता है | Q&A 21

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Most Dangerous Food for Diabetics | Worst Food in Diabetes चीनी से भी ज्यादा खतरनाक | Diabexy Q&A 22

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