Question & Answer

Is Black Coffee Dangerous for Diabetics | Why Diabetics should Avoid Drinking Coffee |Diabexy Q&A 23

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Is Papaya Good for Diabetics | क्या पपीता खाने से Blood Sugar बढ़ता है | Lokendra Tomar | Q&A 24

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Normal Blood Sugar Level कितना होना चाहिए | How Diabetes can lead to Chronic Kidney Disease | Q&A 25

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Why Type 2 Diabetes is not Real Diabetes | New Definition of Type 2 Diabetes | Q&A 26

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Root Cause of Heart Disease Among Diabetics | Diabetes Inflammation & Heart Disease | Q&A 27

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Fasting Tips for Diabetic Patients | Effects of Fasting on Blood Sugar | Lokendra Tomar | Q&A 28

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What Type of Exercise Should A Diabetic Do | Best Exercises for People with Diabetes | Q&A 29

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क्या Diabetes में Marie Biscuit खाना चाहिए | Best Sugar Free Biscuits in India | Q&A 30

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क्या Diet Coke से Blood Sugar बढ़ता है | Is Diet Coke Safe in Diabetes I Q&A 31

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क्या काजू खाने से Cholesterol बढ़ता है | Why Cashew Nuts are Good for you | Q&A 32

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क्या डायबिटीज में आम खा सकते हैं ? | Q&A - 33

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Diabetes को Reverse करने का सबसे सस्ता तरीका | Q & A 34

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What are the Reasons of Foamy Urine Among Diabetic Patients | Q&A 35

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Root Cause of Constipation in Diabetes and its Home Remedies | Q&A 36

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Diabetes में कितनी बार खाना चाहिए | How Many Times A Day A Diabetic Should Eat | Q&A 37

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